I have spent the last 20+ years researching all areas of (holistic) health. This journey has lead me to pursue certifications in RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner), C. Hyp (Certified Hypnotherapist), Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and, come summer 2025, Elite Brain Health Coach. These certifications added to my original background in teaching and diverse international career in the arts allow me to offer a unique approach to health, encouraging my clients to dig deep and essentially give them an understanding of themselves and their actions while empowering them to change the areas that are holding them back.
Deeply rooted in my own challenges with mental health, (self) love and nutrition, I am determined to help as many people as possible find the way back to their inner knowing, change the limiting beliefs that are holding them back and thereby create balance in their mind, body, relationships and everyday life, through sessions, programs and creations.
As part of my services, I offer a free initial consultation to make sure we are the right match - please feel free to read my personal story below, explore my offerings, follow me on social media, browse the resources provided on this website and get in touch to book in a call if any of this resonates with you.
I offer sessions in English and Danish and they primarily take place online.
Let's face it. The health and wellness industry is a jungle. Probably now more than ever. Everyone claims to have found the holy grail yet many of these discoveries are contrasting. SimuItaneously we have become so disconnected from our own inner wisdom, that I get it if you feel confused.
Here's what I believe; There is no one size fits all. What works for me might not work for you. Also, what works for you today might not work for you in a years time. The reason being; we are human beings. No two are the same and we are in constant motion. We change all the time. We evolve. This is why the journey of self development has no final destination - it is work in progress. The journey is the goal and you hold the key to your personal vehicle.
I recall the frustration when doing conventional therapy in my late teens and early twenties. While I desperately felt the need to speak with my wonderful therapist, I also vividly remember that when I left the session I was very much left to my own devices. I felt incredibly lonely, had no tools and no particular guidelines. All I could do was pass time till the next session was due.
The same reality hit me when it came to my physical health. As a teenager I was a 'big' girl, wrapped up in 'layers of protection' from my harsh reality. I was repeatedly told that I needed to loose weight. Challenge was, I had no clue as to what a healthy life looked like nor did I understand why I was a 'big girl' in the first place. Looking for the root cause was an option that never occured to me and equally, in hindsight, not something anyone around me seemed to consider. What's more is, I didn't know anything about a good diet or how to implement it, nor did I realise how much your environment, lifestyle and mental state impact your physical body and in my life none of these were great, to put it mildly. On top of all of this I battled with acne, an addiction to interchangeably fatty, salty and sugary foods and, not least, smoking.
I suppose a large part of me believed that this was just my lot in life. Genes, maybe. I truly didn't know which actions were necessary to take in order to have a happy, healthy body and mind. I definitely didn't know that I, myself, had the power and the answers to make the changes either. So I went with what I did know; Control and a good mask.
I spent years dieting and starving myself finally getting the kind of body I wanted, took prescription drugs for my skin and partied like mad while smoking like a chimney. That's the beauty and the curse of youth: It covers up all kinds of sins. Nobody could tell how unhealthy or unhappy I was. I looked great and in many ways had a lot of fun, but what the outside world couldn’t see was the complete mess happening inside on every single level. I found comfort in my friends and in creativity. In the authenticity of singing, dancing and creating - areas I still pursue and find deeply nourishing.
As with most challenges, my struggles created a hunger for knowledge and a deeply rooted need for healing that has left me spending the last 20+ years researching and gathering every single tool I could when it comes to holistic health (or whole-person health if you will). The journey has been tough, beautiful and everything in between. I have come across incredible people, courses and practitioners who have changed my life in so many ways. I continue to expand my horizons, heal and grow, which is why my path is, thankfully, constantly evolving.
Sadly, my childhood and youth was no special case. The majority of us have heavy bagage. And sadly, most of us have become so disconnected from our own inner wisdom that we, in most cases, either find a way to drown our sorrows or search everywhere outside ourselves to find the answers. But here's the important puzzle piece that most people miss: We have the blueprint and the answers within ourselves to create the extraordinary lives we dream of.
I'm here to help you get in touch with your inner knowing, your unique answers and your particular blueprint.
I would love to hear from you, if you ever feel like reaching out. Please do feel free to get in touch either via email (below) or send me a message on social media.
To your health - in love and light,
Kat x