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Types of conventional and alternative health therapies / practitioners – and a short description of what they cover.
When you start searching for somone who can assist you on your health journey, take note of what methods your chosen provider practices. Are the methods in line with your values and what you believe in?

I highly reccomend being picky: Listen to your instincts and make sure the practitioner you choose is the right match for you.

Acupuncture is an integrative medicine technique that is derived from ancient Chinese medicine and treats common problems such as back pain, neck pain and joint pain by influencing energy flow. Fine needles are inserted at certain sites in the body (the meridians) for therapeutic or preventative purposes. The belief is that an energy ‘life force’ (Qi) naturally runs through us and illness happens when this energy is disrupted or stagnant - the needles are inserted into the meridians in order to restore and balance the life force.

Addiction counsellor
An addiction counsellor can help people who struggle with addictions of any kind: Alcohol, gambling, sex, pornography, shopping, eating disorders etc. Counselling of this kind treats the mind, body and spirit, and can often entail several other therapy techniques. A large part of the therapy is about helping the patient to understand their illness and how it has affected not only themselves but also the people they love.

Art therapist
Art therapy is a sort of psychotherapy where self expression is encouraged through art. The patient works with a therapist to explore their feelings via artistic endeavours such as painting and drawing, in order to find resolutions to their struggles.

Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils. When essential oils are inhaled, the scent molecules in travel from the olfactory nerves directly to the brain and especially impact the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain. Aromatherapy can be done at home or by a massage therapist. Some therapists also use it during talking sessions.

With the use of a sensitive Mora Nova device using electrodes, bioressonance is a form of energy treatment that processes electromagnetic information of the human body. A bioressonance therapist can thus read your energy and any imbalances in the energetic body leading to diagnosis of any disseases and, in some cases, even treatment of such.

Body SDS (Self Development’s System)
Body SDS is a holistic therapy based on the belief that body and mind are deeply connected - that the body mirrors our emotions and life experiences. It is a physical and a mental treatment all in one, that works to create flow in the body. Hands on working with meridians, acupuncture and reflexology points as well as breath work, talking therapy etc. Body SDS can help you loosen up joints, diminish pain and create flow in bottled up energy.  

Bodytalk is a holistic therapy that promotes emotional, physical and physiological well-being. It is grounded in the belief that human beings (any living organisms really) are capable of healing themselves to a degree that far outweighs any technology options available. It combines Eastern and Western medicine to facilitate growth and healing, focusing on the body’s ability to heal itself, the stress an individual has undergone throughout their lifetime and the body’s internal energetic communication. The practitioner will communicate with the body, bring balance to it and restore areas of the body that have been compromised using different techniques such as tapping.

CBT – Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
CBT helps you identify unhealthy, negative beliefs and behaviours and learn healthier coping skills. It is a talking therapy that can help manage problems by changing behaviour and thinking patterns. CBT is based on the following 3 basic principles 1) core beliefs, 2) dysfunctional assumptions and 3) automatic negative thoughts.
It's most commonly used to treat anxiety and depression, but can be useful for other mental and physical health problems too.

Chakra healing
Chakras are considered to be the primary energy centers inside the body. Chakra points inside our body are believed to be bundled up with the nerves and each chakra point is associated with specific parts of our emotional and physical life. In this type of therapy the client will be lying down on a table, fully clothed, while the practitioner moves their hovering (or gently laid) hands from chakra point to chakra point balancing the chakras and thereby creating circulation, which in turn improves physical and mental health.


Coaching is a process that aims to improve p
erformance and focuses on the 'here and now' rather than on the distant past or future. Just like you would hire a coach if you wish to become an elite athlete within a given sport, it is possible to hire a coach to help you achieve better results in your individual life goals. There are many types of coaching out there; Life coach, health coach, career coach, communication coach and performance coach to name but a few.

Conscious uncoupling
er recently introduced, conscious uncoupling has become very popular for couples who have reached the stage where they wish to split up / divorce. It is a 5-step program that offers a calmer alternative to divorce and is based on the ability to understand that every argument and/or irritation in a relationship is an opportunity to look inside and identify areas that need healing.  

Couples therapy
Talking therapy that aims to change the way in which both partners interact with each other. Couples therapy can help to improve feelings of security in the relationship, increase positive feelings the partners have toward each other, enable couples to cooperate with one another, decrease stress, and provide the couple with tools to overcome future challenges together. It is recommended to start couples therapy sooner rather than later - once one person in a relationship is experiencing a difficulty then it is a relationship issue.

Craniosacral therapy (CST)
CST addresses blockages in the physical body and is a gentle, noninvasive, hands-on form of massage technique used on your skull and spine to promote pain relief by decreasing tension. It is said to relieve anything from chronic pain, ear infections, jaw pain, migraines, and joint stiffness to pregnancy problems, depression, autism, anxiety, dyslexia, spinal cord injuries, coordination impairments and anger.

Dance/Movement therapy
In a dance/movement therapy setting, a therapist can assess body language, observe movements, nonverbal behaviours, and emotional expressions to address specific needs. It integrates physical, emotional, cognitive, social and spiritual aspects of an individual and the focus is on helping clients improve self-esteem and body image, develop effective communication skills and relationships, expand movement vocabulary, gain insight into patterns of behaviour, as well as create new options for coping with problems. No movement or dance is wrong in a dance therapy session (unless harmful).

Educational therapy
An educational therapist will use a broader method to include neurodiverse children with learning difficulties and thinking differences. Trained to meet the academic difficulties, they will provide psycho- educational services to children with neurodevelopment disorders whether they are diagnosed or not. The multi-sensory approach allows the children to engage in learning in more than one way.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping
Based on Chinese Medicine, EFT tapping focuses on the 12 meridian points - or energy hot spots - of the body to relieve symptoms of a negative experience or emotion. The technique is based on the belief that disruption in energy is the cause of all negative emotions and pain, so where acupuncture uses needles, EFT tapping uses fingertip tapping to apply pressure on the meridians to restore balance to the body’s energy flow.

Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT)
EFT approaches healing from the belief that emotions are strongly linked to identity. The assumption is that lack of emotional awareness is harmful and that avoiding emotions can lead to negative outcomes in life. A therapist trained in emotion-focused therapy will help you gain awareness of your emotions and understand them. You will be offered coping strategies for facing and managing your emotions.

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)
EMDR is a psychotherapy that enables people to heal from the symptoms and emotional distress that are the result of disturbing life experiences (trauma). On I found this great description of how it works: ‘When you cut your hand, your body works to close the wound.  If a foreign object or repeated injury irritates the wound, it festers and causes pain.  Once the block is removed, healing resumes.  EMDR therapy demonstrates that a similar sequence of events occurs with mental processes. The brain’s information processing system naturally moves toward mental health.  If the system is blocked or imbalanced by the impact of a disturbing event, the emotional wound festers and can cause intense suffering.  Once the block is removed, healing resumes.’ EMDR aims to remove the blockages via an eight-phase treatment of which eye movements (or other bilateral stimulation) are used during one part of the session. 

Existential therapy
See spiritual therapy.

Faith based therapy
Faith based therapy can be beneficial to people for whom spirituality or religion play a major role in life. It is a form of psychotherapy that involved spiritual or religious components.

Family therapy
Focusing on the improvement of relationships among family members, family therapy is a form of talk therapy where families are provided with a safe, non-judgemental environment to express and explore their feelings. The aim of family therapy is to help family members find ways to help each other, whether the problem is believed to be a personal issue or a family issue.

Family Systems Therapy
Family systems therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on the family as a whole unit - suggesting that individuals are interconnected to their relationship networks. It’s a two way street: People are influenced by their family but each person also influences their entire family. When something affects one member of the group, it can have a resounding impact on every other member of the family. Family systems therapy may draw on aspects of other types of therapy as needed and also considers how generational, social, community, and cultural factors influence individuals and families.

Functional medicine
Functional medicine is a systems biology–based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. The precise manifestation of each cause depends on the individual’s genes, environment, and lifestyle, and only treatments that address the right cause will have lasting benefit beyond symptom suppression. A functional medicine practitioner will assess the patient holistically and perform tests to work out the root cause of the symptoms shown.

Health Coach (Offered here)

If you were a serious athlete, you would hire a coach to help you excel at your given sport. A health coach works in similar ways. Through talk sessions they help you excel at living your best, healthy life. If this has sparked your interest, please do get in touch and/or read more about health coaching and what it can do for you here.


Healing, Reiki
Reiki healing is a type of energy healing where the client either sits comfortably in a chair or lies on a table, fully clothes. The practitioner then places their hands over or lightly on specific areas of the clients body, keeping their hands in these positions for 3-10 minutes. Reiki healing deals primarily with the energetic body, clearing blocks and stagnation formed by emotional or physical pain, that is believed to otherwise cause illness.

Holistic therapy
Holistic therapy focuses on whole-person health, meaning a person’s physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. This can be done in a large manner of ways; mindfulness, meditation, breath work, talk therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, reflexology, yoga, massage etc.

Homeopathy is a 200 year old form of alternative medicine that is deeply routed in the belief that the body has the ability to heal itself. The treatment is tailored to the client based on a conversation between the client and the homeopath, where the client is asked a number of questions about their mental, emotional and physical health. At the end of the session the client receives a remedy/remedies containing tiny amoun
ts of natural substances, like plants and minerals. These remedies can come in a variety of forms (sugar pellets, creams, gels, tablets and liquid drops).

Hypnotherapy is a type of psychological therapy that uses hypnosis to help treat certain mental and physical health conditions (clinical research has shown that it can e.g. help the client with sleep, weight loss, to stop smoking, relieve pain and anxiety). Hypnosis is usually done by the hypnotherapist using verbal repetition and mental images, changing the state of awareness and creating increased relaxation in the client, allowing for improved focus and concentration. Hypnotherapy can also act as an integral part of other forms of therapy such as RTT (see RTT).

Intergenerational family therapy
This technique focuses on understanding how generational influences have affected both individual behavior and how the family unit functions. It helps families understand how patterns acquired from previous generations are affecting the family and learn new ways of interacting.

Music therapy
With directed listening, your therapist makes music or plays a recording, and you listen to it. You then talk about the music and use it to help process your emotions or experiences. Your therapist may also play music to relax you, using the rhythm to guide you in brea
thing or stretching.

Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner (NLP)
Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a therapy form with a set of principles and techniques aimed at enhancing self-awareness, increasing confidence, building communication skills, and motivating positive social actions. The practitioner encourages clients to transform limiting self-beliefs by looking at thoughts, feelings and emotions as things that we can control, rather than things that passively happen to us. It’s a way of changing the way the client perceives the world, leading them to adjust and adapt behaviours in order to live the life they dream of.

Occupational therapy
Occupational therapists help people with all types of learning disabilities to enjoy life, work and leisure activities as independently as possible. It is a therapy form that helps clients meet goals to develop, recover, improve, and maintain skills needed for daily living and working. The activities may be as basic as bathing or dressing, or as complex as operating a computer with modified control switches.

Physical therapy
Physical therapists, sometimes called PTs, care for people of all ages who have functional problems resulting from back and neck injuries; sprains, strains, and fractures; arthritis; amputations; neurological disorders, such as stroke or cerebral palsy; injuries related to work and sports; and other conditions. Physical therapy uses hands-on therapy with and exercise-based approach.

Physiotherapy helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. The physiotherapists typically use a manual, hands-on approach with soft tissue and fascial releases, stretches, and massages.

A psychiatrist is a medically-qualified practitioner who helps people with psychological problems. They are medical doctors, and thus they can - as opposed to a psychologist - prescribe medication based on the symptoms and challenges presented by the client. After making a diagnosis, the psychiatrist will tell you about your condition and work with you to develop a treatment plan.

A psychoanalyst practices psychoanalysis; an in-depth form of talk therapy searching through a person's subconscious memories for the source of their curren
t difficulties.

A psychologist is a trained mental health professional with a doctoral degree who helps people learn healthy ways to handle mental health challenges focusing on the client’s conscious memories. A session usually consists of talk and behavioural therapy using techniques such as observation, assessment and experimentation. The psychologist can administer physiological tests and diagnose, but not prescribe medicine.

A psychotherapist is a specific type of therapist that targets the mind, specifically thoughts and behaviours. It usually consists of talk therapy and can help you work through challenges with mood, emotional regulation and/or relationships.

Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT - Offered here)
A combination of CBT, NLP, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy and mindfulness, RTT provides you with the tools needed to make positive change. RTT uses hypnosis to find the root cause of the issue and works on rewiring the mind, powerfully replacing outdated belief systems and negative patterns of behaviour. If this has sparked your interest, please do
get in touch and/or read more about RTT and what it can do for you here.

Reflexology is based on the belief that certain organs and body systems are connected to the feet, ears and hands. A reflexology treatment is a type of massage that applies different amounts of pressure to these parts of the body. People who practice this technique are called reflexologists.

Social workers
A social worker identifies people and communities in need of help. They assess the client’s needs, situations, strengths and support networks
and help clients adjust to the changes and challenges in their lives (e.g. illness, divorce, unemployment)

Sound bath / Gong bath
A sound bath is a meditative experience where the participants are ‘bathed’ in sound waves for 15 to 60 minutes while lying on their backs (savasana position) for the entire experience. The aim is for the participants to release and their brains to let go during the carefully selected ‘wash’ of instrument and voice with notable resonance and overtones. The waves are produced by various sources such as gongs, singing bowls, chimes, rattles, percussion and the human voice.
With use of frequency and vibration, energy blocks in the system are unlocked. Some practitioners argue that sound baths can even foster physical healing.

Spiritual therapy / Existential therapy
A mind-body-spirit approach to healing that connects the spiritual, metaphysical and existential meaning to your experiences looking to find the meaning behind it. The therapist will provide spiritually informed insights and tools for growth and personal development.

See EFT Tapping


(Are you familiar with a type of therapy/practitioner who isn’t listed here? Please feel free to get in touch and fill me in.)

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