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The gifts found in between

I grew up in between parents.

I grew up in between siblings.

I grew up in between homes.

I grew up in between countries.

I grew up in between cultures.

I grew up in between flights.

I grew up in between goodbyes.

I grew up in between love and hate.

I grew up in between belonging and dismissal.

I grew up in between.

And so, for a very long time, I was emotionally homeless. Everything I focused on happened outside of myself. My very unconscious mission was to find a place of belonging ‘out there’. To make other people like me, want me, accept me, love me, believe in me, see me. It was how I coped with and tried to escape all the in betweenness. Like for so many others, it was all I knew.

It took me many emotional bruises, challenges and falls in my teenage years and early adult life to realise that I had the power to change these circumstances all by myself.

Step by step, I learned how to love all the things I had believed was unloveable about me.

Step by step I learned to accept what I was told was unacceptable.

Step by step I let go of making sure everyone else was happy and started focusing on whether I was.

Step by step I removed myself from the environments, people and places that did me no good.

Step by step I chose me.

Step by step I started healing.

And with my healing process came the inner belonging and the light that shone on my gifts.

All the gifts of all the years of being in between.

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