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Prep Time:

1 Minute

Cook Time:

40-45 Minutes


  • 2 Artichokes

  • Half a lemon, sliced

  • One of the following: Butter, Aioli or Olive oil & vinegar mix


Step 1

Cut off the stem of your artichokes and make sure they balance when placed on a plate. Fill a large pot (need to be able to contain both artichokes at once) with water and pop your lemon slices in there. Bring the water to a boil.

Step 2

Once the water is boiling, pop the artichokes in there and leave them to cook for about 40 mins. You will know they are done when you are able to easily pick off a leaf.

Step 3

Remove the artichokes from the water and let the water drain before placing them on two seperate plates.

Step 4

Serve straight away with wither butter, aioli or oil & vinegar in a little bowl on the side.

How to eat an artichoke: You pick one leaf at a time and dip the fleshy part (bottom part of leaf) in either butter, aioli or oil & vinegar. Scrape the fleshy part off with your teeth and discard the rest of the leaf. Keep going till you reach the centre. Remove all the (very thin) leaves that are left and you will find a somewhat 'hairy' middle. This next part can be a bit tricky and be careful not to burn your fingers; Scrape off the 'hairs' by firmly pushing them from the outside towards the middle with the side of a knife. The hairs will let go after which you discard them. Once all hairs have been removed you will be left with the artichoke heart. Grease it up with your dip of choice and eat it with your knife and fork. Enjoy

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